News Feed

I rarely share anything on social media, this is where I post about projects I'm working on as well as opinions on current events, the internet, and small business.

steve's picture
4 years ago
allan cote

Pembina West Co-op Website

Published 4 years ago
We launched this website in late 2010, prior to their name change from Barrhead &...
steve's picture
4 years ago

Best Browser Includes Free VPN and Ad Blocker

Published 4 years ago
I have done a good amount of research on the best browser that's fast, includes ad blockers,...
Category: The Internet
steve's picture
4 years ago

Contact Me

Published 4 years ago
If you found something on this website useful feel free to send me an e-mail at contact@...
steve's picture
4 years ago

Automotive Repair Website

Published 4 years ago
Our customer, Haitel's Garage, was looking for a professional and appealing website that would...
steve's picture
4 years ago

10 Things That Might Convince Me to Use Facebook

Published 4 years ago
Generally, I hate Facebook for a bunch of different reasons, so I challenged myself to make a...
Category: The Internet
steve's picture
5 years ago
steve's picture
5 years ago

5 Steps to Quit Your Job and Start a Business in 2019

Published 5 years ago
When I was 30 years old I decided to quit my cushy job in the government and started my own...
steve's picture
5 years ago

5 Steps I Used to Get out of Debt Fast

Published 5 years ago
My wife and I were debt free and mortgage free before we were 30 years old. Our incomes were...
steve's picture
5 years ago

Copy and Paste MS Word to HTML or Wordpress

Published 5 years ago
One of our clients sends us articles in Microsoft Word format, in order to retain the document...
Category: Useful Resources
steve's picture
5 years ago

About Me

Published 5 years ago
Born and raised in Alberta, Canada. I am a Christian, family man, entrepreneur, and freelance...
