News Feed

I rarely share anything on social media, this is where I post about projects I'm working on as well as opinions on current events, the internet, and small business.

steve's picture
7 years ago
telus skunk animal

Telus to Charge Internet Customers for Exceeding Data Cap

Published 7 years ago
Telus is going to start charging data cap overages on there internet (Source: http://www.telus...
Category: The Internet
steve's picture
7 years ago

Redirects and .htaccess examples

Published 7 years ago
Here are some basic .htaccess snippets you can copy and paste. Re-direct the front page of a...
steve's picture
7 years ago

SEO Services

Published 7 years ago
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process used to help search engines better understand...
steve's picture
7 years ago

DIY Website Introduction

Published 7 years ago
If you have questions about building your own website or ranking in Google (or other search...
steve's picture
7 years ago

Recently launched a new website for the Alliance Church, and I am pretty happy with the results -

steve's picture
7 years ago

Good News about a Client + Word of Warning

So recently a client of mine took my recommendations on setting up an incremental backup with external drives they could swap out. Part of the reason I pushed for this setup was that I had another client just over a year ago that encountered an "cryptolocker virus", a type of ransomware. The idea is that if the infected files are encrypted by the malicious software, your backup will simply overwrite the good files with the infected files (thus making your backup useless). Anyways, I had just finished the backup setup about 10 days ago and lo and behold one of their computers was infected by the "Locky or .OSIRIS" malware. Rather than paying the ransom to these dirt bags to maybe unlock the files, we were able to quickly pull 99% of them off a prior backup.
Whoever you are, if you happen to be reading this, I urge you to stop procrastinating and get someone to help you setup a decent backup that will save you from losing all of your photos and documents. Don't know where to start with a backup? I would gladly give you free advice on where to start, just drop me a line and i'll e-mail you back.

Category: The Internet
steve's picture
7 years ago

Is Someone Trying to Hack or Negative SEO the Drudge Report?

Published 7 years ago
I am very suspicious of something I noticed about the Drudge Report lately, I think it might...
Category: The Internet
steve's picture
7 years ago

How to implement on Drupal 6 using Views

Published 7 years ago
So I refuse to let go of Drupal 6 and was determined to figure out how to implement
Category: Drupal 7 Tutorials
steve's picture
7 years ago

Sand & Gravel Website for Sale

Published 7 years ago
I recently created this demo website for a sand & gravel company. This is a simple clean...
steve's picture
7 years ago
Funny CASL and Canada Post Monopoly Comic

The Real Reason for Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)?

Published 7 years ago
So I keep hearing in the media that the purpose of this legislation is to reduce the amount of...
