News Feed

I rarely share anything on social media, this is where I post about projects I'm working on as well as opinions on current events, the internet, and small business.

steve's picture
8 years ago

Figure out the bottlenecks to growth, there are limitless things to work on in a startup but you must focus on those things that are constraining your growth. Once you have a "true north" you can easily wake up in the morning and know what you need to work on.

Category: Scrapbook
steve's picture
8 years ago

Convert %2520 to + sign using .htaccess so your Search pages have nice looking URLs with plus signs instead of a bunch of encoded nonsense.
RewriteRule ^(.*)\ (.*)$ /$1+$2 [L,R=301]

Category: Scrapbook
steve's picture
8 years ago

Differenciate - customer sense of order/control (disney: clean park)
Mindset - attract / convert / customer - client
Beginners Mind - everything begins right now!
System is the solution (Disney/Mc Donalds) Consumer CONTROl over user experience
Don't listen to the #littleman
Get it right when you are SMALL to replicate
Start for the right reasons | Small businesses fail because the founder is a technician
Become an incredible STUDENT

Personal Humility + WIll
Service to a Cause (relentless ambition)

What's our purpose, cause, believe... why does my business exist?
What's our story... What would anyone care?

“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
― Thomas A. Edison

“Five percent of the people think;
ten percent of the people think they think;
and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.”
― Thomas A. Edison

What must be done (to be right)
Make people want to do it
It's art not science (each person diff)

Learn from others but do not copy them.

Category: Scrapbook
steve's picture
8 years ago

Write a blog post every day.
Make a prediction about something that will happen or about something that will succeed and write why you think it will.
Seth Godin

Category: Scrapbook
steve's picture
8 years ago

What makes TownPost Awesome or Unique?

  1. Easy to Use
  2. Unlimited Ads
  3. Local (Alberta) Only - Maybe Saskatchewan Eventually?
  4. Allows Firearms
Category: Scrapbook
steve's picture
8 years ago

An entrepreneur trying to think of a business idea or deciding if their business is going to work should ask themselves:
How painful is the problem you are trying to solve?

Category: Scrapbook
steve's picture
8 years ago

What do you call it when you are overwhelmed by requests from your clients or from your boss? If you have the type of personality that insists on completing every task you are given then you might identify with this meme.
I was telling a friend about this massive number of small tasks I had to deal with and he coined this phrase in response, "Death by a thousand reasonable requests".

Constant Requests My Boss
steve's picture
8 years ago

Scrolling "Typing" Text Effect Using CSS + HTML5

Published 8 years ago
*/ Here is Some Text to show off this text Effect Copy and Paste the CSS Code: { overflow...
steve's picture
8 years ago

Cargo and Utility Trailer Website

Published 8 years ago
Sch Trailers is a distributor for various trailer manufacturers in Western Canada, they were...
steve's picture
8 years ago
private gun group

Why Facebook's Ban on Gun Sales is Awesome

Published 8 years ago
Well, it's awesome for me anyways… I operate a private gun group on TownPost that is for...
